Monday, July 5, 2010

Unit 4 - Our Mental Workout

Dacher (2006), in his book Integral Health, puts forth the concept of a Mental Workout as a time set aside each day for exercising the mind through meditative contemplation with the purpose of learning to use more of our mind's capacity.  He proposes that if we devote one hour daily to meditative contemplation, we can arrive to the equivalent of the Olympian level of mental fitness. In his chapter on Psychospiritual Flourishing, he lays out two practices: Loving Kindness, and The Subtle Mind. He states that when one stabilizes his or her mind, that person “naturally evolves into the highest level of consciousness, unity consciousness” (Dacher, 2006)

I am sure that Dacher's sincere purpose in presenting this model for his readers to move toward human flourishing and integra health, but I do not believe that his is the only model.  His statement about how a person “naturally evolves” is an interpretation of his own experience and may not be the experience of everyone who attempts to follow his model. Never the less, I find it fascinating that he has set on paper, and in an academic manner, an interpretation based on Eastern traditions. However, even Lao Tze, in the first two lines of his ancient book, Tao Teh Ching (“The Classic Book of the Way and its Power”), states: “The way that can be spoken is not the real Way. The name that can be named is not the real Name”. Hence, Dacher’s model is just that, a model. It can serve us; but we must make the model our own.

Dacher, E. S. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications

Reid, D. . (1989). The Tao of health, sex, and longevity. New York, New York: Fireside.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how Dacher recommends self practice each and every day and at the same time. I remember when I became interested some years ago in religious practice, praying at the same times each and every day and I felt the world of difference in almost every aspect of my life. Unfortunately I did not keep this regular practice up, however I am inspired to do it again, and if not prayer then something like Dacher promotes.

    I also agree with you that its very possible that Dacher's sincere encouragement is to promote and assist people in their own human flourishing, wonderful I think '-)
